Bo's Big Bad Home Page and Good Time Emporium
Bo's Big Bad Homepage dedicated to all those who think Bo is just the coolest guy around. Okay, so there are only about 4 or maybe 5 of you but I had to have a reason to build this thing. Might as well make it an ego thing. I am a guy after all.
your picture here
A stunningly handsome yet frightening individual I must say.
And now for something completely different......
Now that you've taken a quick look at me I figure I should tell you a bit about me. Let's see, I'm a 29 year old living, working and doing whatever else I can find in the great state of Georgia. I was born and raised here and if I have my way I'll die here too. There is no other place on the earth that feels more like home than here. But then I guess everyone that has lived their entire life in one place feels that way. Let's see, what else would you need to know about me? I'm a bit of a writer and poet as well as a back porch philosopher of sorts. When it comes to humor I can laugh at just about anything and have a very dry wit. I'm single and looking, but then what single person isn't looking for that special someone to bring a little light into their lives. As for the to me sometime and I'll tell you more. After careful review I must admit that this homepage is quite lame. But since I have no HTML or JAVA skills to speak of it will have to do. I've included some of my favorite links at the bottom. And finally I'd like to give a shout to all my friends...Mo(my blue eyed Carolina cutie), Emily, Shawn, Beaver, RT, Jeremy, Kevin, Carl, Bob, Kit, Red, and the cast of thousands out there that either love or hate me. Thank you for your support and we'll see you when we see you.
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Magic 21

Magic 21 -
Free card game. For each "21" you make, you could win up to $4,999 in cash! Go try your hand  »

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Magic 21

Magic 21 -
Free card game. For each "21" you make, you could win up to $4,999 in cash! Go try your hand  »

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